Q1 2019 Townhall - Getting Ahead in 2019
May 9, 2019

Townhall has always been one of the core activities in Green Packet to keep all Packeteers updated and engaged with all the activities and happenings in and out of the Company. That’s not just about it but townhall has been the main avenue for all Packeteers to know each other better through games which increases the bonding and relationship among one another.
On 9 May 2019, Packeteers were gathered for Q1 2019 Townhall. The event was started with an opening speech from our Group CEO, Kay Tan who shared with us on the overall progress of different business pillars while highlighting the business transformation journey that the Company is embarking on which would bring a greater enhancement to the Company’s culture, leading to a drastic growth in the Company performance and wellbeing.
And in order to embrace the business transformation journey, core values of a Company are critically important. Hence, Packeteers were given a main challenge that was to complete the “Lost & Found Puzzle” within 30 minutes. This was where the Packeteers were put to demonstrate the core values while delegating the tasks among themselves. Some were busy finding for the missing puzzle pieces while some started to crack their brains to assemble them.
Holding strong to the core values of “Believe in GRIT”, “Let’s COLLABORATE”, “Feel EMPATHY”, “Be COURAGEOUS” and “INNOVATE for a difference”, all the 5 puzzles were assembled at a nick of time. Congratulations guys!