kipleLive Smart School Pilot
November 5, 2021
KipleLive’s mission is to create safe spaces through digital technology. That’s why SMK Cheras Perdana worked with KipleLive on the ‘KipleLive Digital Ready’ Program to make this a reality. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, student temperature checks became a common source of admin burden to schools. To address this matter, KipleLive provided a digital solution that not only measured students’ temperatures but also recorded their attendance.
By reducing the number of admin tasks, teachers could focus once more on educating students. KipleLive also introduced the cashless agenda to schools. This is done using Face ID to enable the distribution of meal programs. Children’s IDs are linked to their parent's accounts, which can be used to monitor expenses and record their everyday transactions.
Education is a precious gift, and safer schools create a safer Malaysia. That’s why KipleLive is working hard to ensure that every Malaysian child can attend school and receive a quality education.
KipleLive – taking big steps towards a Safe and Digital Malaysia.